Bios are hard...

You're supposed to somehow sum up your life in a short few paragraphs or words.

"Mental toughness dude that built a pretty cool business"

Filtered information that you want the world to know. Putting in the highlights and leaving out the 'naughty' stuff.

Let's get something straight before I give you my juicy highlight reel. I'm a normal dude who's made mistakes, does dumb things and makes shitty decisions.

But the reality is, that's most of us isn't it? We are all just figuring it out and learning as we go...

That being said, If there's one thing in this world I f*cking know, it's how to take myself to the absolute limit. How to push my body and mind to do what most people would call 'bloody insane.'

Or my favourite "fucking stupid"

So here we go...

A while back I signed up for my first marathon the week before and completed the race.

Later I spontaneously completed a full distance triathlon that most people spend a year training for.

I did 11,401 burpees in 24 hours to raise money for charity and somewhat recently I pulled a Jeep Wrangler 100 Kilometres over 48 hours for White Ribbon Australia.

I've got 5 Guinness World Records, 1 of which is for riding on an assault bike for 24 hours.

I rode 800km across the state solo with no training.

I also built a pretty successful business in the process of this.

I honestly, believe the hardest part about mental toughness is not enduring but actually attempting.

To put it simply, imagine if success was not finishing something, but rather giving it your very best. That way not finishing does not mean failure, because in trying your hardest you’ve already succeeded. This means failure is not even an option.

For me, extreme physical challenges are primarily about growth and transformation, with the adrenaline rush serving as a gorgeous bonus. While it's intriguing to explore the limits of both my mind and body, these challenges encompass more than just personal achievement.

They offer valuable lessons in enduring hardship—beautiful, albeit painful lessons that can be applied to our everyday lives.

My aim is to persistently seek out these lessons so that I can assist others in breaking free from their self-imposed limitations.